Our Mission
The Tina Barefield Foundation seeks to support families battling Lupus. With community resources, a safe place to release stress, and a network of people who understand, first hand, the toll this disease can take on the lives of all those affected by it, the Tina Barefield Foundation seeks to touch the lives of families affected by Lupus by giving them the citizenship, compassion, and strength that Ms. Tina Barefield exuded during her brief time with her own family.
Our Vision
Through the development and implementation of community based programs, and individualized services, The Tina Barefield Foundation will uplift, support, and develop young adults facing social hardship who have been directly or indirectly affected by Lupus.
Contact Us
We are always seeking volunteers. Please considering joining our team. Or, if you would like more information about
The Tina Barefield Foundation, click the button below to send us a message.
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
The Tina Barefield Internship Program
Through partnership with local education entities, The Tina Barefield Internship program offers internship opportunties directly in our community for the benefit of our young adults.
The KODY Enrichment Program
The KODY program, Kind, Ordained, Destined, Youth, understands that there are many factors which can lead young people to make bad decisions. Ms. Tina Barefield understood this and was a strong supporter of second chances and supporting those in need. The KODY program gives opportunities for Juvenilles who are going through a parole or probation process the opportunity to gain meaningful life changing experiences, access to mentors, and a safe place to learn new skills to enhance their lives and provide the support they need to successfully complete their journey.
The 5K for Lupus Challenge
A fun event to raise funds for Lupus, support our community families, and promote healthy life styles, the 5K Lupus Challenge is The Tina Barefield anchor event that kicks off our year of support and giving!
Royal Casino Houston
Our annual gala helps us raise awareness, raise funds, promote the Tina Barefield Foundation, and educates the public about what we do and how we do it. Join us for our annual Royal Casino Houston to learn how you can help give back to families needing on-going support.